I am Yadvi

RHEL 8 | Cloud-Computing | DevOps | Networking | Full Stack Web Developer

About me

Bonjour, I am Yadvi and I love Linux. What fascinates me so much about linux is the fact that linux is open source and it has gained so much popularity in the corporate world. The spark I was missing ignited the moment I realized the power of open source and the code. Luckily, I'm obsessed with staying organized and making everyone's life easier. I educate, refine and drive myself to be a better person and if you thought that I am good at creativity, I couldn't help appreciating your beautiful imagination!


DevOps- Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Git and Github

Vitualization - VMware and VirtualBox

Full Stack Webdev - Frontend and Backend

Linux OS - especially RHEL/Centos

Cloud Computing - AWS, Azure

Networking, security and troubleshooting - Firewall, Selinux, Core Networking, Identity and Access Management, LDAP


Arth Learner

LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd - Sep 2020

Technical Member

DSC SRM - powered by Google Developers - Aug 2020


Webarch Club - Jan 2020

Technical Member

Team Envision - SRM University - Jan 2020 - Feb 2021



SRM University (Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University), Chennai

Computer Science with specialization in Cyber Security

CGPA - 9.58


Bright India Public School, Ajmer

PCM Stream

Higher-Secondary(HSC) - 76.8%


Mayoor School, Ajmer


9.6 CGPA



Project Link

Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible with kubeadm. The goal is to easily install a Kubernetes cluster on machines running RHEL8 and centos on top of AWS public cloud. I've also published the collection on ansible galaxy so that other people can use my roles. Do check it out and leave feedback score.

Configuration of HAProxy and Load-Balancer using Ansible

Project Link

HAProxy is free, open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applications that spreads requests across multiple servers and Ansible is an automation tool used for configuration management. This ansible playbook is dynamic, which means you just need to add the web-server IPs in the inventory file and ansible will automatically configure everything.

Automation of apache webserver and docker using ansible playbook

Project Link

Ansible PlayBook that does the following operations in the managed nodes Docker: Configure Docker, Start and enable Docker services, Pull the httpd server image from the Docker Hub, Run the docker container and expose it to the public, Copy the html code in /var/www/html directory and start the web server Web-server: Mount the redhat-dvd which contains 6000+ software, Configuration of yum, Installation of httpd software, Change the document root to /var/www/lw, Change the port number to 8080, Copy the web-pages, Restart the service, Will allow firewall traffic on port 8080

Team Elecruisers, SRM Institute of Science and Technology

Project Link

I have contributed to the development of this website along with my team members in Webarch Club. I have made the team page, navigation bar and about section in the home page for this website.

Vizen - Team CodeOverflow

Project Link

Me and my team participated in "Hack the Mountains" (MLH Hackathon) and we were among the shortlisted top 40 teams in the midst of 120+ project submissions from all across the world. We worked on a Webapp called Vizen which converts user voice input into handwritten docs and to top it off let's the user save the file in pdf format. The whole app was made solely on Reactjs and it's libraries. We had a great learning experience altogether and interacted with some great mentors. Check out our project.


Project Link

Created using React and Tachyons, This project is a website which has 'robo friends' and as the user, you can search for your 'friends'

Let's collaborate

Github (Feel free to check out my projects.)

Medium (I’d like to grow my readership.)